Jerseyville Public Library

Income Taxes

Provides links to federal and state tax forms, publications, and information.

Tax Year 2024 (Filed in 2025)
We have the following forms and instructions available in bulk:

Federal - Arrived 1.16.25!

State - These are still pending.

FEDERAL - Form 1040
FEDERAL - Form 1040 SR
FEDERAL - Instructions 1040 & 1040 SR

IL 1040 forms & instructions
ICR forms & instructions
IL E/EIC forms & instructions

If we don't have in the form you need in bulk, we can print off of the internet for $0.15/page or $0.30 if double-sided.

Visit the following websites to get access to tax forms and instructions that we cannot get in bulk:

Federal Income Tax Forms, Instructions, and Information

Federal Online Ordering for Information Returns and Employer Returns (Use for W-2, W-3, 1099, 1096, etc.)

We have some W-2, W-3, 1099 Misc., & 1096s on here if you are in need of just a few. 
Order Federal Tax Income Forms and Publications by U.S. Mail

Illinois Income Tax Forms, Instructions, and Information

Illinois Benefit Access Application   The benefits now available are:

  • Seniors Free Transit Ride
  • The Persons with Disabilities Free Transit Ride
  • Secretary of State License Plate Discount